Tips for Organising and Safely Storing Jewellery in a Bank Locker

Whenever you go to a formal party dressed to impress, who do you wear? It might be a weird question to ask, but think about it—sometimes, the necklace you’re wearing was a heirloom from your grandmother, or that ring on your finger is sentimental because it came from your father. Jewellery often carries both monetary and sentimental value, and this is why it’s so crucial to take the appropriate steps to organise and store it safely in a Fortis Vault bank jewellery locker.

What is a bank locker?

A bank locker, or what we know of as a safety deposit box, is a secure compartment located inside the vault of a bank. And just like your regular lockers, customers can store valuable items there by paying the necessary rental fee.

If you’re wondering what the purpose of storing your valuables outside of your home is, it’s because physical assets are irreparable and can be damaged by natural causes. To give you peace of mind, your physical assets are usually insured with a bank policy.

Now that the basics were covered, here are some tips for organising your jewellery:

  • Take time to create a detailed inventory of your jewellery first, like putting in some photographs and descriptions for each piece.
  • Custom dividers and jewellery boxes are easier to compartmentalise than gathering them all up tangled in one place. Look for containers that are secure and won’t get opened easily.
  • Labelling your storage containers can save you time when you need to retrieve a piece of your valuables.

Safely Storing Jewellery in a Bank Locker

Now that you’re ready to put your valuables in, here are some things you need to consider as well to make the whole process smooth:

  • Understand the policies of your bank, especially the usage of its bank lockers, such as asking to declare the value of your assets before you put them.
  • Basic insurance does not cover even half of what your asset needs; have an insurance agent ready to arrange the coverage that protects the true worth of your valuables.
  • Choose wisely and only share access to your valuables with people that you implicitly trust.
  • Always store with care and place your jewellery in containers where it is safer than directly on the bank locker.
  • Regularly update your inventory and reassess the contents if there are some of the valuables that need cleaning and maintenance.

Some Considerations and Alternatives

Of course, the decision to put your valuables away will ultimately be up to you, as some pieces of jewellery are not intended to be kept out of your sight, especially those you are wearing daily. Keep in mind which of your jewellery is best stored in a bank locker and which can be kept at home. A secure vault or safe is something you can purchase and is readily available.

A bank locker will give you the peace of mind you deserve.

Your most precious items require the most delicate storage solutions, and if you are planning for the future and want to pass your jewellery from one generation to another, this may be the best time to store them in bank lockers.